viernes, 19 de abril de 2013


This post is about a special activity that we do every year at my school. ENGLISH CAMP. What is an English Camp? I am going to explain this concept:
Every spring, our students in second and fourth grade go to an English camp. The youngest usually go to Guadarrama, and the oldest go to Cazorla.
This year we were in Guadarrama for three days, and I have to say that it was an incredible experience for all of them. For most of our students it was the first time that they slept without their family, and this is not very easy. Moreover, they had never done many things like, make their own bed, clean the lunch table, organize their suitcase, take a shower by themselves, etc… so this experience helped them to grow up and mature. 

Now I am going to give you more details about the camp:
When we arrived to Guadarrama our monitors were waiting for us, we got off  the bus and we put our bags in a line, then we went into a special room where they made the teams for the rest of the camp. Each team had a native monitor; there were  people from Ireland, England and Scotland. Each team had a special name like an Indian tribe, for example Apaches.

After the presentation with their monitors, they had to go to make their own beds. It wasn’t easy because they aren’t used to do it. Then, after the explanation they started to do the activities.

The activities were:
1. Archery.
2. Team working.
3. Zip wire.
4. Treasure searching.
5. Make a costume

At 1.30 they went to lunch room. After lunch they had free time until 15.00 o’clock Then they had to come back to the activities.

At 17.30 they had a little snack and after this they did the last activity.
At 19.30 they went to take a shower and prepare for dinner. After the dinner they had a free time, and then they did a special activity before going to bed. One day they did a safari and the other day they had a night disco – session.
Here you can see a timetable example:

And more pictures about the camp to conclude:

Finally i want to thank you to Ana belen and Begoña for they effort without her hardwork it couldnt be possible this activity, and I dont want to forget Aurora, is always a pleasure work with her!!!

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