martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012


Hoy os voy a hablar de una historia de superacion increible que a mi personalmente me ha cautivado y me ha hecho reflexionar.
Derek Rabelo es un surfista Brasileño ciego de nacimiento. Derek tiene 19 años y su ceguera no le ha impedido lanzarse a dominar las olas subido a una tabla de surf, con la que ha emocionado al mundo.
A pesar de no poder ver es capaz de surcar las peligrosas olas de Pipeline, en Hawai, logrando una proeza. Su historia es increible y aparece en una pelicula documental llamada "Not by sight". Aqui os dejo una pequeña entrevista de este surfista Brasileño y el trailer de la película. También podreis ver otro video sobre este chico que creo debe ser un ejemplo de superacion para todos y que nos demuestra que con esfuerzo y ganas se puede conseguir casi todo en esta vida.
How old are you?
Where do you live?
Guarapari, ES, Brazil
What’s the story with your sight — can you see anything? Were you born visually impaired or did something happen later?
No I’m 100 percent blind. Yes, I was born blind.
When did you learn to surf?
2 and a half years ago.
Was that your first time surfing Pipe? How was it for you?
No, I surfed Pipe at the same day they had the finals of the Volcom Pro, 01-31-12. I couldn`t catch waves because it was very crowded but it was amazing experience…6-8 feet perfect Pipe.
The video said you wanted to pull into the tube. Has that happened yet?
I`ve got a couple barrels but I didn’t make it out.
Were you surprised at the gift of the surfboard? How does it ride?
Yes I was, very surprised. The board is amazing, 6’2″…

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